Friday, May 1, 2009

Caramelized Garlic

David Zimand from Creagency sent us this delicious recipe for caramelized garlic. He says he's a garlic fanatic so welcome to the club!
Caramelized Garlic

Peel, crush lightly til falls apart. Saute with demerara sugar, a tiny bit of salt and voila, caramelized garlic.

Can be eaten alone or put on other dishes as I often do (says David).

He also has a whole page on Flickr dedicated to food, the pictures are amazing: Food Book.


  1. you can get really nice garlic online at

  2. I'm going to try it, sounds great!
    I have been looking for a recipe I tried once, it was a snack of garlic cloves in red wine. They were delicious!! I don't know where to look for it or whom I can ask. Does anybody know a similar recipe?

  3. I'm looking for a delicious recipe I once tried, it was a snack of garlic cloves in red wine. Does anyone know anything like that? Please send any recipe that may be similar...
